Becoming a Snowbird: Tips to Make the Process Easier


Right about about now you’re probably thinking of becoming a snowbird. As snow blankets a large part of the country and freezing temperatures take over, the appeal of calling a place like Florida or Texas home for the winter is probably too much to ignore. Before you decide to hit the road, there are a few things you need to consider before becoming a snowbird.

House Sitting

Unplug all appliances and determine who will actually watch your house. It could be a relative or someone from church, but you need to make sure you know who this person is. Don’t just hire anyone offline. It’s also advisable to invest in a programmable thermostat that will allow you to trigger the heat to turn on at night, when it’s super cold out. You also want to make sure your pipes are insulated so they don’t freeze.


Many RV parks that cater to snowbirds allow you to forward mail there. Be sure to set up mail forwarding or put a stop on mail completely. If you do this you’ll want to sign up for online bill pay to make sure you are still keeping up on your responsibilities back home.


Most snowbirds bring their pets with them. Paying someone to watch fido or fluffy over the winter is expensive, plus you miss out on precious time spent with them. Just make sure any park you’re looking at doesn’t have a no dogs rule. Cats are usually easier because they stay in your RV.

Plan Ahead 

Research the park you’re planning to stay at and make sure you book ahead of time. The busiest season for snowbirds is January through March, so you’ll want to reserve your spot to make sure there’s room for you. Never just show up and expect the campground to have vacancies.

Becoming a snowbird can be an exciting thing and isn’t just an option for retirees. Many families who work from home and home school also choose to head south for the winter. The most important thing is to simply remember your responsibilities back home and ensure they’re taken care of, that way you can leave town worry free.

Photo Credit: By Sallicio (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

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