Texas RVers Please Help Stray Dogs Now! All You Have to Do is LIKE Us!


When you are out on the road RVing you get to see so many incredible things. However, on the flip side, you also see some not so pleasant things as well. And one of those not so pleasant things I do not seeing is stray dogs. It is an issue that tugs at the heart because it is hard to see man’s best friend out there on his own and usually in bad shape.  And maybe you’ve notice too, but there has been an increase of strays on the streets as many people struggle to care for them and sometimes end up abandoning them. Which brings me to some good news, a charitable one for stray dogs.

ExploreUSA RV Supercenter has partnered up with StrayDog.org to help rise money for its no-kill dog shelter. You can help and you don’t even have to donate money, unless that is if you really want to.  All you have to do is ‘like’ ExploreUSA RV Supercenter on facebook and we will donate $1 to the organization. We would really like to be able to donate a good chunk of money to this great no-kill animal shelter but to do so, we will need your help to tell everyone you know to ‘like’ ExploreUSA RV Supercenter on facebook. That’s right, for each like ExploreUSA RV Supercenter gets on facebook we will donate a $1 to StrayDog.org. We really want to make a difference for these animals and need your help!

All of us at ExploreUSA RV Supercenter would like to thank each one of you in advance for helping out such a great organization by visiting us on facebook and liking us. If you are toying around with the idea of getting a RV for you and your family we’d love to help find you the perfect one.  And of course, we would love to put a face to the like and would love for you to come visit us at the nearest ExploreUSA RV Supercenter.

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